
Searching for thrift store blogs

Well, this afternoon, I've spent several hours at QuackTrack trying to find people who blog about thrift store shopping, or people who run/operate thrift stores. there were a few blogs I really enjoyed reading. The only thing that concerns me, is that the ones I like, haven't been updated recently. Not that I post as frequently as I should, but I would like to see Thrift Store Shopping as a BlogShares industry. I also decided to either call, or email the people who have blogged about thrift stores. If there are any fellow bloggers out there, who have friends or associates interested in blogging about thrift stores please leave a comment on this entry. I would really like to see the idea of thrift store shopping get the recognition it deserves. Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

I have a blog that I feature a thrifting category with all of my finds!

Anonymous said...

I blog about the thrift store i work at: thriftstoretales.blogspot.com
need feedback and suggestions. lisa